Think time

Think time is the time the user normally takes to make a decision to do the next task.

For example, it is the simulation of the time taken by a real user to read one page before clicking to the next one. Thinktime values may be overriden for the entire VU Path. If the delay must not be overriden when the thinktime is overriden, use a 'delay' instead.

Available settings

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
think_timeThe Think time duration 

Duration value

The Think time duration is expressed in hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds. Some valid examples of Think time durations:

100100 milliseconds
2m2 minutes
2m 100ms2 minutes 100 milliseconds
1h 10m 15s 250ms1 hour 10 minutes 15 seconds 250 milliseconds


Defining a 100 milliseconds Think time.