
The server settings are centralized, which means the target server for the test can be quickly changed. It is possible, for example, to quickly switch from the development to the pre-production server.

Available settings

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
nameThe name of the server- 
hostThe host of the server 
schemeThe scheme of the server. The available values are "http" and "https". The default value is "http".-- 
portThe port of the server. The default value is "80" (for http scheme) or "443" (for https scheme).- 
basic_authenticationThe Basic Authentication used to authenticate on the server.-- 
ntlm_authenticationThe NTLM Authentication used to authenticate on the server.-- 
negotiate_authenticationThe Negotiate Authentication used to authenticate on the server.-- 


Defining 2 servers: one with the host name only, and an https one with a basic authentication.


NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
loginThe login of the user account used to authenticate on the server 
passwordThe password of the user account used to authenticate on the server 
realmThe realm-- 


Defining a basic_authentication for a server.


NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
loginThe login of the user account used to authenticate on the server 
passwordThe password of the user account used to authenticate on the server 
domainThe domain-- 


Defining a ntlm_authentication for a server.


NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
loginThe login of the user account used to authenticate on the server 
passwordThe password of the user account used to authenticate on the server 
domainThe domain-- 


Defining a negotiate_authentication for a server.