
A population is a group of Virtual User types. Select an existing population to test and defines its load policy. The simulated load from a population is determined by a duration and a number of Virtual Users.

Available settings

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
nameThe name of the population from NeoLoad project- 
constant_loadA load that generates a fixed number of Virtual Users.-- 
rampup_loadA load that generates a number of Virtual Users that increases throughout the test. Useful for checking the server behavior under an increasing load.-- 
peaks_loadA load that generates a fixed number of Virtual Users with periodic phases of high load. Useful for checking whether the server recovers its normal behavior after a load peak.-- 
custom_loadA load that generates Virtual Users defined by custom steps. Useful for checking the server behavior in really specific circumstances--7.6

A population must contain only one load policy among the constant, ramp-up, peaks and custom load.


Constant Load Policy

This load policy generates a load with a fixed number of Virtual Users.

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
usersThe fixed number of Virtual Users- 
durationThe duration of the load policy: unlimited, time or number of iterations.-- 
start_afterDefine how the population is started: the population starts at the start of the test, after a preset delay or after the end of the selected population.-- 
rampupDefine how Virtual Users start: simultaneously or with a preset delay.-- 
stop_afterDefine how the population is stopped: the population immediately stop the executing of the current iteration, give a preset delay to finish the current iteration or allow the population to end the current iteration for each Virtual User.-- 


1 constant load of 500 Virtual Users during 15 iterations. The population starts after the end of the selected population. The Virtual Users start with 30 seconds. The population wait the executing of the current iteration.

Ramp-up Load Policy

This load policy generates a load with a number of Virtual Users that increases throughout the test. Useful for checking the server behavior under an increasing load.

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
min_usersThe initial number of Virtual Users- 
max_usersThe maximum number of Virtual Users-- 
increment_usersThe number of Virtual Users to increment- 
increment_everyThe duration to increment: time or number of iterations.- 
durationThe duration of the load policy: unlimited, time or number of iterations.-- 
start_afterDefine how the population is started: the population starts at the start of the test, after a preset delay or after the end of the selected population.-- 
increment_rampupDefine how Virtual Users start: simultaneously or with a preset delay. This rule is used each time new Virtual Users are created, at each load increase for a ramp-up load policy.-- 
stop_afterDefine how the population is stopped: the population immediately stop the executing of the current iteration, give a preset delay to finish the current iteration or allow the population to end the current iteration for each Virtual User.-- 


1 ramp-up load of 100 initial Virtual Users in incrementing 50 Virtual Users every iteration during 30 iterations and limited at 1500 maximum Virtual Users. The population starts after the end of the selected population. The Virtual Users start with 5 seconds. The population stops in waiting the executing of the current iteration.

Peaks Load Policy

This load policy generates a load with a fixed number of Virtual Users with periodic phases of low and high load. Useful for checking whether the server recovers its normal behavior after a load peak.

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
minimumThe phase of low load- 
maximumThe phase of high load- 
startSelect the phase to start- 
durationThe duration of the load policy: unlimited, time or number of iterations.-- 
start_afterDefine how the population is started: the population starts at the start of the test, after a preset delay or after the end of the selected population.-- 
step_rampupDefine how Virtual Users start: simultaneously or with a preset delay. This rule is used each time new Virtual Users are created, at each load peak for a peak load policy.-- 
stop_afterDefine how the population is stopped: the population immediately stop the executing of the current iteration, give a preset delay to finish the current iteration or allow the population to end the current iteration for each Virtual User.-- 

Available settings for the minimum and maximum phases are

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
usersThe fixed number of Virtual Users- 
durationThe duration of the phase: time or number of iterations.- 


1 peaks load: a minimum load of 100 Virtual Users during 5 iterations and a maximum load of 500 Virtual Users during 3 iterations. The test starts with the minimum load. The duration of the test is 80 iterations. The population starts after the end of the selected population. The Virtual Users start with 15 seconds. The population stops in waiting the executing of the current iteration.

Custom Load Policy

This load policy generates a load defined by custom steps

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
start_afterStart policy for this population: at the start of the test, after a preset delay or after the end of another selected population-- 
rampupSimultaneously or with a preset delay.There are different behaviours depending on duration mode (unlimited, time, iterations) - unlimited/time: This rule is used each time Virtual Users count is updated - iterations: This rule is used each time a new step starts-- 
stop_afterStop policy for this population: immediate (the execution of current iteration is stopped), after a preset delay or the population is allowed to end current iteration for each Virtual User.-- 
stepsSteps to define the Virtual Users count for a specific period- 

Custom policy step

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
whenThe moment when Virtual Users count will reach the specified number: time or number of iterations.- 
usersThe fixed number of Virtual Users at the specified moment- 

The specified moment must have the same duration type as the others steps. All steps must be ordered chronologically. The last step is defining the duration of the load policy


The population starts 30 seconds after the start of the test. Each ramp-up or ramp-down between 2 steps will be split with ramp-up/ramp-down of 10 seconds. The population Virtual users has 30 seconds to finish the current iteration.


Human-Readable Time Specifications

All time specifications, including delays and durations, are always expressed in unit of seconds. Use special strings convention to make it human-readable.

h for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds



Human-Readable Iteration Specifications

All iteration specifications, including durations, are always expressed in unit of iterations. Use special strings convention to make it human-readable.

iteration or iterations


1 iteration, 15 iterations