
A conditional structure "If - Then - Else". If the conditions are true, the Then container is executed, otherwise, the Else container is executed.

Available settings

NameDescriptionAccept variableRequiredSince
nameThe name of the If--6.10
descriptionThe description of the If--6.10
conditionsThe list of conditions to evaluate-6.10
matchThe "match" value can be:
  • any
  • all
The default value is any.
thenThe Then container-6.10
elseThe Else container--6.10

Use the following syntax to define conditions: [(condition)(, condition)*]

Use the following syntax to define condition: "'operand1 (operator) (operand2)?"

Operator value can be:


If at least one condition of the listed evaluate to true, then execute a request, else execute a delay.